Manuel Carrasco







Manuel Carrasco songs

Best Manuel Carrasco Songs | The greatest hits of a voice with soul

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manuel carrasco songs

No dejes de soñar, Sígueme, Y Ahora, No Dejes de Soñar, Ya No, Uno x Uno, Déjame Ser… each of his lyrics touch the soul in some way and consolidate the success of an ordinary person, as his fans say, ‘one of ours‘. Here are the 15 best songs of Manuel Carrasco.

Tunes and Playlists that make you thrill | Trembol
AUTHOR | JC Trembol

Listening Time | 1 h

Top 15 Songs by Manuel Carrasco

  1. Que corra el aire (Let the air flow) | Quiéreme, 2003
  2. Dime si te irás (Tell me if you will leave) | Manuel Carrasco, 2004
  3. Y Ahora (So now) | Tercera Parada, 2006
  4. Sígueme (Follow me) | Inercia, 2008
  5. Por eso si te vas (So, if you leave) | Inercia, 2008
  6. Menos mal (Just as well) |Inercia, 2008
  7. Otoño, Octubre (Autumn, October) | Habla, 2012
  8. No dejes de soñar (Don’t stop dreaming) | Confieso que he sentido, 2013
  9. Tambores de Guerra (War drums) | Bailar el Viento, 2015
  10. Bailar el viento (Dance the wind) | Bailar el Viento, 2015
  11. Ya no (Not anymore) | Bailar el Viento, 2015
  12. Uno x Uno (One by One) | Bailar el Viento, 2015
  13. Déjame ser (Let me be) | La Cruz del Mapa, 2018
  14. Dispara lentamente (Shoot slowly) | La Cruz del Mapa, 2018
  15. Qué bonito es querer (How nice it is to love) | La Cruz del Mapa, 2018
Manuel Carrasco greatest hits

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Spotify Playlist | Best Manuel Carrasco Songs

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Manuel Carrasco Perfume

Manuel Carrasco cologne is designed to pamper you and make you feel good every day of the year.

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Manuel Carrasco best album

Bailar el Viento‘ is Manuel Carrasco’s best album, full of legendary songs of the Spanish artist.

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Customizable music box

Do you want an original gift? A music box with a melody of your choice or to make it yourself with your favorite artwork.

manuel carrasco songs
manuel carrasco songs

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